How far along: 30 Weeks
Food Comparison: Cucumber
Gender: Boy!!
Weight gain: +18 lbs
Maternity clothes: A few pieces here and there.
Stretch marks: A stretch mark was found on my inner thigh. Are you serious? Who knew.
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: I'm tired all the time but once I get in bed I can't fall asleep. Luckily though, I have an easy time going back to sleep after every mid-night trip to the restroom.
Best moment last week: Seeing family and friends that I haven't seen in a while at my MOH and sister's graduation.
Also taking my mom out for a belated mothers day lunch and then to the zoo!
Worst moment last week: Driving 10 hours in a car this weekend.
Wichita to Omaha to Manhattan to Salina to Wichita.
I literally changed positions every 10 minutes. It was brutal. Thankfully when we go to Dallas next weekend we will be taking CT's comfy car and he will be driving.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my back and being able to go pee only 3 times throughout the day.
Movement: This little man is active! Luckily I haven't really had any painful kicks or jabs but he is moving up a storm in there.
Cravings: Bomb pops.
Queasy or sick: No.
Looking forward to: Memorial Day weekend and spending some much needed time out in the sun.
Prayer Request: This week I pray that CT gets the perfect opportunity at a D1 as a football graduate assistant. This means 2 years of additional schooling to obtain his masters but he would also get so much experience coaching. I pray that this happens sooner rather than later because that means I get to be a stay at home mom sooner rather than later. I hope this is in your plans Lord!

30 weeks is such a big milestone! Every time I hit 30 weeks I feel like I can breathe a big sigh of relief! I hope CT gets that opportunity you are hoping for so you can be a stay at home mom - it's the best!