CT and I are so excited to announce that Baby K is a precious little boy.
We are ecstatic and so are our parents!!
My poor dad has 3 girls - so giving him a boy as his first grandbaby is such a gift.
We found out on Monday and it has been a whirlwind since then. We spent all day Tuesday out and about shopping and looking at baby things, and since then my mind has been going a 100mph planning for this baby.
We ended up picking out our paint colors.
White furniture, black and white patterns, dark gray walls, and mint and metallic accents.
I was easily able to talk CT into mint once I showed him the other paint selections.
I love getting my way. =)
We then headed to Babies R' Us and started our registry.
Talk about EXHAUSTING!
We were told we should register for 200-300 items and we left the store with 35 items on our registry. It's overwhelming and such big decisions. Why does there have to be 15 different monitors, 6 brands of diapers ... like how am I suppose to know which will work best for our unborn baby? Anyways, I'm still in the process of doing research and slowly but surely adding things to our registry. For all you mamas - what are some must haves?
We then ending the day doing some shopping/window shopping.
Baby Depot, TJ Max, Baby Gap, Super Target, and the Mall.
We only bought stuff on sale and that we loved. It was actually quiet difficult to find things we really liked. We hope to dress Baby K like a little man - and unfortunately most things had cartoon dogs and elephants on them. No thanks, we will pass!
It was such a good day - but I definitely needed a foot massage after being on my feet for 8 hours!
I'm heading to Kansas City tomorrow in hopes for some great president day sales! I'm most excited about coming home with my dresser/changing table.
Fingers crossed that I like it as much in person as I do online!

CONGRATS!! How exciting especially for your dad!!! And yay for getting your way on the color scheme--I LOVE your idea! It'll be so classic yet inviting!!!