I feel like gift season is in full effect. Between the multiple baby showers and birthdays going on, this lady has done some serious giving lately.
Good thing I LOVE it. As much as I love to celebrate my own birthday (month) and enjoy receiving gifts, I love giving them even more. I truly enjoy spoiling others and I will find any occasion to do so.
My mini me -aka- my younger sister Tessa has a bithday coming up. As I was on Pinterest the other day I came across a really cool journal that I thought would be fun for a 14 year old. Shoot, if I had the time to do it, I would love to have one too.
Check into it a little more. On each page is a different activity to get your creative juices flowing.
-write one word over and over-
-doodle over top of this page and in the margins-
-poke holes in this page using a pencil-
(all photos via pinterest)
What makes this journal so awesome is that everyones interpretation of what it is asking you to do is different, so no two journals are alike. I think along with the journal I'm going to get her some colored sharpies, highlighters, and pens!
It's hard to come up with gifts that are different and that she doesn't already have. Lawd knows she has more clothes and shoes than she needs!
I just got back from Paisley's 1 year birthday party this afternoon. For everything this little girl has been through in the past year - she is such a sweet blessing to be around. She is such the fighter and makes my heart so happy.
Ct and I have a thing for always gifting bows and nike attire to all the little girls in our life!

When the time comes and I have a little princess - that will be her go to outfit. Nike shorts and a bow in her hair!
Speaking of that - I only got asked 2 times today when our time was coming. After you have been trying for a while, what's the right answer to that question? Day by day that question is becoming a dreaded one. More on that to come.
Be looking out tomorrow for my Easter OOTD. I went shopping this morning and I'm super exited to put it all together!