How far along: 13 Weeks
Food Comparison: Peach
Gender: 3 weeks until we find out!
CT thinks girl, I think boy!
Weight gain: +4 lbs
Maternity clothes: None yet. I should probably start thinking about looking for a few pairs of work pants - the days are starting to get more uncomfortable. Plus I don't want to get caught with my pants unbuttoned (which I might do every now and then). I can't wait for spring to arrive so I can live in dresses!
Stretch marks: No - doing everything I can to help them stay away!
Belly button in or out: In with belly button ring.
Sleep: Lately sleep has gotten a lot better. It's hard to get comfortable right when I lay down because I get super itchy, but once I find that sweet spot I'm golden.
Best moment this week: Taking CT out to some baby stores and agreeing on a lot of things: travel system, swing, crib style!
Worst moment this week: CT getting pulled over yesterday for going 15mph over the speed limit in a construction zone. Luckily he got off with a warning but they then proceeded to give us a fix it ticket for my illegal window tint. As soon as the officer walked away I started crying saying... "I'm not going to be cool any more with legal tint. My car's going to look dumb now." Haha. Oh hormones! Gotta love them!
Miss anything: Margaritas.
Movement: No.
Cravings: Sour straws and cherry coke iceys from Quik Trip.
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: My massage on Wednesday. I will be 13.3 days = second trimester!! This mama to be needs my shoulders rubbed for a good hour.
Prayer Request: This week as Baby K's vocal chords start forming - I pray that when they speak, they speak only kind things, I pray that they openly preach about their faith in Jesus Christ, and I pray that when they worship at church through singing - that they sound better than their mama. =)

OMG the window tint thing made me laugh out loud! Funny how that kind of thing can set us off (and I'm not even pregnant but I could,d see myself getting worked up about that anyway)!! ENJOY your massage, girl!!!