How far along: 32 Weeks
Food Comparison: Large Jicama - I don't know what that is but according to our sonogram today - it's probably a fruit that's close to a 4lb 5oz baby
Gender: Boy!!
Weight gain: +20 lbs
Maternity clothes: A few pieces here and there.
Stretch marks: I've counted 4 but none on the belly. =(
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Awful. I can't fall asleep and then I wake up at least 3 times to use the restroom.
Best moment last week: Our 4 day weekend: baby moon/birthday weekend to Dallas!
Shopping. Food. More shopping. Sleeping in. More food. Losing money at the casino.
Worst moment last week: Earlier today we found out Kingston is still breech. What a little booger. Looks like I'm placing a call to a chiropractor tomorrow and if that doesn't work we will have to schedule the ECV around week 35.
(where they manually try to turn him from the outside)
Youtube it. I dare ya.
Miss anything: Sleep. Being able to see my lady parts and having unswollen lady parts. TMI?
Movement: He's super active all the time these days. I love it and so does CT.
Cravings: Ice cream.
Queasy or sick: No.
Looking forward to: Meeting with some daycare providers this week.
Prayer Request: This week I pray for Kingston to not be stubborn and to flip on his own and to find the perfect child care provider for our little man.
So cute but so stubborn! And a thumb sucker?? Oh lawd!
PS - Check out CraftingAFairyTale on Etsy! I've made tons of goodies for Kingston that I would love to recreate for you.

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