This weekend Kingston, CT and I were spoiled with awesome advice and gifts from some of my best friends.
My friends Katie and Jenna hosted the cutest shower that matched perfectly with our nursery color scheme - black, white, mint, metallic, and mustache.
(We totes didn't plan to match - but we did!)
Cupcakes, cream puffs, cream cheese goodies, sandwiches, punch.
This pregnant mama to be was happy!
I am so thankful to all the ladies that came to help us celebrate!
(And the ones that couldn't make it but still sent gifts)
The best piece of advice that I received yesterday:
As excited as you are to see all of those 'nexts' (rolling over, crawling, walking) - just live in the moment. They are only little once so cherish each and every day.
This is something I plan to work on every day. Time passes too quick.
As new parents I hope to soak it all up and live in the moment - the good and the bad!

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