His whole world is about to get rocked - like drastically changed.
He has been a mama's boy since the moment we brought his little 1 lb. body home. He follows be everywhere, spins a hundred circles when I come home from work each day, goes to bed when I go to bed and wakes up with me when my alarm goes off.
Lately I've noticed that he's becoming even more clingy. Like he knows a human is about to come and take over his spot in our home and in our heart.
He's been the 'king' of our home for almost 6 years and now the real King is about to arrive.
CT took him into the vet last week for his yearly appointment and they told him he is 1 year away from being considered a senior citizen. How sad is that? I can't even imagine what our lives would be like without him. I am so thankful for our little bent/bent-tail/puppers. He has taught me what it's like for someone to depend on you for their every need and in return show you nothing but unconditional love. I think he's helped me prepare for this thing I'm about to embark on: motherhood.
I pray that during this new change in all our our lives that I am able to still show him the same amount of love and attention as I previously have.
How do I make sure this happens?

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