How far along: 34 Weeks -- What!
Food Comparison: Average Cantaloupe
Weight gain: +20 lbs
Maternity clothes: A few pieces here and there.
Stretch marks: Yeup.
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Good one night, bad the next. Under eye circles have become a permanent on me.
Best moment last week: Our 3rd baby shower with some of the greatest friends and getting our maternity photos done at sunset! I'm excited to see how they turn out.
Worst moment last week: The increasing uncomfortableness. A little acid reflux. Back pain. Pelvic pain. The works! So thankful though that I've been able to make it this far.
Today CT said 'Why do you walk around like you are broken?' Seriously dude? I am carrying around 20 extra pounds of weight, my organs are no longer in the places there are suppose to be, and I'm getting karate chopped on those organs.
Miss anything: I've been really wanting to go to this new indoor trampoline park right across the street from our apartment - so I guess you would say I miss being able to be active.
Movement: Yes.
Cravings: Watermelon.
Queasy or sick: No.
Looking forward to: His arrival. I know we have a few more weeks but I'm getting anxious. I just want to see his beautiful face and make sure that he is 100% healthy.
Prayer Request: This week I pray for a healthy safe birth (whichever way it may happen) and a healthy baby boy. I also pray that the Lord helps to calm my anxious mind. I know He has a plan for every situation and before long He will bless us with our perfect little man.

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