How far along: 31 Weeks
Food Comparison: 4 Naval Oranges
Gender: Boy!!
Weight gain: +19 lbs
Maternity clothes: A few pieces here and there.
Stretch marks: I've counted 4 but none on the belly. =(
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: My night goes kinda of like this - sleep from 11a-245p, rest room break, toss turn toss turn toss turn until I wake up at 530 to go to the bathroom, then toss and turn until my alarm goes off 15-45 mins later.
Best moment last week: The three day weekend! I wish we had those every weekend.
Also - making Kingston an awesome mobile!
Minky, felt, batting, and bakers twine!
I love all my mama-made decorations.
Like it too? Let me make you one!
Worst moment last week: Backaches galore and he is definitely playing in my ribs these days.
Miss anything: A few things but I wouldn't trade my little man for anything.
Movement: This little man is active! Luckily I haven't really had any painful kicks or jabs but he is moving up a storm in there.
Cravings: Not really. I'm having to make myself eat these days. I'm not really hungry.
Queasy or sick: No.
Looking forward to: My birthday (on Friday)/ babymoon - we are taking a road trip to Dallas. Casino, IKEA, Dillard's clearance, Nordstrom rack, pool, food trucks, and diner drive-ins and dives. Then seeing Kingston next Monday. We have another ultrasound to see if he's officially turned into the right position.
Prayer Request: This week I pray for comfort. I'm so thankful I was able to make it to 31 weeks without being super uncomfortable - but the time has come where I'm really starting to feel pregnant. I pray that Kingston calms down on the tickling of the bladder and the kicking of the ribs.

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