My sisters and I at my first baby shower this weekend!
How far along: 28 Weeks
Food Comparison: Chinese Cabbage
Gender: Boy!!
Weight gain: +17 lbs -- mostly in my butt and belly.
Ugh. I hate seeing those numbers creep up.
Maternity clothes: Yes and no. I probably should invest in some maternity pants/shorts but I'm over spending money on new clothes for myself. I am still able to wear a lot of my regular shirts which is nice.
Stretch marks: None on the belly but I might have found one on the side of my booty.
I'm not really sure though. I need to do a little more investigation but it's hard to twist like that for a long period of time.
Belly button in or out: I'd say it's flush with the rest of my belly - but I'm guessing it'll be an outie soon enough.
Sleep: It. Is. Brutal.
Best moment last week: Having our first baby shower hosted by my family.
Kingston and I are so blessed!
Worst moment last week: Things are getting super uncomfortable. It's probably time I see chiropractor again.
Miss anything: Being able to sit on the couch or chair for a long period of time without a back support pillow.
Movement: Yes. More and more each week!
Cravings: Donuts.
Queasy or sick: No. I've had this weird burning sensation under my right rib cage 3 different times and I'm wondering what it is. I don't think it's heartburn and Dr. Google says it may be something to do with my gallbladder. Who knows - I'll ask my Dr. about it tomorrow!
Looking forward to: Seeing Kingston tomorrow and another baby shower this upcoming weekend with CT's family.
Prayer Request: This week I pray that we get a good shot of Kingston's face at the sonogram tomorrow. They say 28 weeks is the best time to get a 3d/4d ultrasound because they finally have enough fat on their face to make them look like 'them' and still plenty of room before it gets too cramped. I also pray that he cooperates for Ramona - our amazing tech. The reason for this appointment is because they need to get a better shot of his spine because he was sitting breech at our 20 week anatomy scan.

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