Shower #2
How far along: 29 Weeks
Food Comparison: Butternut squash
Gender: Boy!!
Weight gain: +17 lbs
Maternity clothes: A few pieces here and there. Trying not to purchase any but I'm thinking I will need to get a pair of shorts for the summer.
Stretch marks: My belly is still in the clear but I may have found one on the sides of my booty. Needless to say - I've started slathering the cocoa butter there too.
Belly button in or out: Half in half out.
Sleep: Depends on the night. As long as CT doesn't elbow me in the eye or punch me in the head (both of which happened this past week) and I have the fan blowing on me - I'm good.
Plus I'm back to using the rest room 2+ times a night.
Best moment last week: Baby shower #2 with CT's family plus receiving goodies in the mail.
Worst moment last week: I've had my first experience with acid reflux and it is NOT fun. I've been pretty fortunate with that being my only 'pregnancy' symptom so I shouldn't complain.
Miss anything: This summer heat makes me miss being able to have a frozen margarita.
Movement: Yes. More and more each week! Last night he was using my bladder as a trampoline.
Cravings: Bomb pops.
Queasy or sick: Some movements make my tummy turn and besides the acid reflux - life is good.
Looking forward to: Seeing some family and friends this upcoming weekend at Creighton and K-State's graduation.
Prayer Request: Last week I prayed that we would get a good shot of Kingston's face at the sonogram. They say 28 weeks is the best time to get a 3d/4d ultrasound because they finally have enough fat on their face to make them look like 'them' and still plenty of room before it gets too cramped.
I'd say my prayer worked!
Isn't he so sweet? He looks like his daddy for sure throughout his eyes and nose, has my forehead, and a mixture of both of our big lips.
I love this little boy already.
This week I pray that Kingston stops being lazy and starts making his journey to the underside. He needs to get his butt in place to make his arrival. We only have 11 weeks left!

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