(playing around with the self timer)
How far along: 27 Weeks
Food Comparison: Cauliflower
Gender: Boy!!
Weight gain: +15 lbs
Maternity clothes: I hit up target's clearance rack for a few more pieces the past week - two shirts. I'll be hitting up my favorite discount stores (TJMAXX, Ross & Gordman's) to look for a shower outfit for this weekend.
Stretch marks: No. Thank goodness!
Belly button in or out: In.
Sleep: When CT sleeps like a baby, I sleep like a baby. It is pretty brutal sleeping with him in our queen sized bed. He sleeps diagonal and his elbows are always under my pillow. I'm getting annoyed just typing about it.
Best moment last week: Hearing Kingston's heart beat and finding out we get another sonogram next week!
Worst moment last week: Being freaked out about the C word. Read about it here.
Miss anything: Margaritas and my pants buttoning.
Movement: Yes. It definitely goes in spurts. It's funny though because when CT talks to him - he is always so active after. He loves his daddy already. <3
Cravings: Sour cream. I ordered mozzarella sticks yesterday with a side of sour cream.
Queasy or sick: Some movements make me sick - but as quick as it comes - it goes.
Looking forward to: Mani's & Pedi's with my mom on Friday and our first family baby shower on Saturday!
Prayer Request: This week I pray for sleep and for cooler weather.

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