How far along: 24 Weeks
Food Comparison: Corn
Gender: Boy!!
Weight gain: +13 lbs
Maternity clothes: Some. Thankfully most of my pre pregnancy clothes were the flow-y type tops that I can still pull off. I've also found tons of cheap maxi dresses at Forever21 ($10) that I'm belting and wearing the crap out of.
Stretch marks: No - not yet. Fingers crossed they stay away.
Belly button in or out: It's making it's way to an outie.
Sleep: I sleep good until my 230a potty break and then I toss and turn the rest of the night. I then wake up with sore sides of my hips. It's getting brutal.
Best moment last week: Christian taking second in two of his NCAA brackets and third in one. $$ Cha-Ching $$ Money in the bank!
Worst moment last week: realizing that EVERYTHING in pregnancy grows. Not just your belly and bobbies ... but everything.
Miss anything: My pants buttoning.
Movement: Yes. I love it!
Cravings: Sour cream.
Queasy or sick: No.
Looking forward to: Upcoming showers. We have quite a few on the calendar but I just got my first official invitation today.
Prayer Request: This week I pray that Kingston continues to grow inside me until I'm well into my 3rd trimester. It's crazy to think that I've made it to the point in this pregnancy where I could have him and he could survive (with a lot of help). We have 16 more weeks little man - lets make the best of it!

Next pregnancy I'm going to have to check out the Forever21 maxi's! $10 is a steal! Plus I bet they'll be great for post-pregnancy! Win-win!