How far along: 26 Weeks
Food Comparison: Lettuce
Gender: Boy!!
Weight gain: +14 lbs
Maternity clothes: I just ordered two belly bands (code thefrugalgirls2014 gets you two free bands - all you pay is s&h). Hopefully it's not to late to use them. I have some cute capris and jeans that I'd like to continue to wear. I'm just so cheap these days that I hate buying clothes for this bump. I'll be on the look out soon though for some cute dresses for my upcoming showers.
Stretch marks: No - not yet. I'm keeping that coco butter slathered on.
Belly button in or out: In for now.
Sleep: CT and I have switched sides of the bed the past few nights and it's amazing what a difference it has made. Our knees don't knock and my face is right next to the box fan. It's nice. Hopefully I can continue to talk him into this.
Best moment last week: The 3 day weekend. I love being off work and being able to get so much done around the apartment.
Worst moment last week: Finding my ring finger swollen. Yikes.
Miss anything: My pants buttoning.
Movement: Yes. I love looking at my belly and seeing where he's positioned because of it being lopsided.
Cravings: Sour cream. Krispy Kreme Donuts.
Queasy or sick: No.
Looking forward to: Hearing Kingston's heartbeat later today and hopefully passing my 1 hour glucose test.
Prayer Request: This week I pray that Kingston finds a best friend like I have found in his father. Someone that makes him happy and that can make him laugh, someone that challenges him, and someone that loves him and prays for him.
I can't wait to experience parenthood with CT and I'm counting down the days until we can meet our little addition.
I hope you all had a fabulous Easter!
(My two day hair wasn't really working for me today and I need some practice on how to pose with a bump. I use to wonder why everyone always held their belly - but when I see pictures when I don't - I now know why. It's the most flattering way to not look huge.)

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