Ladies - please help me!
I need suggestions on which sunless tanners work for you.
I have been pasty for far too long and I need a little color in my life.
I use to be an avid tanner back in the day.
I played volleyball in high school and college so it was necessary that I maintain a nice golden glow since I lived in spandex.
I loved being tan.
It's slimming.
See picture #2. I don't have to wear much makeup - just throw on a little mascara and eye liner because it makes my skin look good.
My angel kisses come out.
You get the picture. It's just makes me feel good about myself.
Then I started working at Healing Waters Spa & Cosmetic Clinic and saw first hand what sun damage does.
Wrinkles, wrinkles, and more wrinkles.
Saggy skin.
Hyper-pigmented skin.
Skin cancer.
None one which are flattering or worth it.
Since then - I've tried a few different spray tan places but haven't been fully satisfied.
If you know me - you know I'm cheap.
Paying $15-$30 for a tan that lasts maybe a week doesn't cut it for me.
I would rather buy a lotion and do it at home when it's convenient for me.
You can purchase these 6 single use towelettes at target for $9.
I thought using a towelette would be easier to handle, there aren't any gloves involved and I wouldn't have to worry about putting on too much or too little.
My upper body looks great but not so much my lower body.
It said to use sparingly around your elbows, knees and ankles but clearly I didn't follow the rules.
Don't mind the crusty toes.
This preggo can hardly bend over these days - so I'm going to get a much needed pedicure with my mom on Friday!
The tricky part about using a towelette is that you don't know where exactly you are applying it. You just rub it on hoping you cover everything. I also slept in short shorts last night so I woke up with discolored/splotchy legs. I'm sure it's because I get super hot in my sleep and probably sweat some areas off. Gross. I also can't stand the smell and neither can CT. Even though I took a shower this morning I could smell myself all day at work. That's the worst!
So ladies .. help me out please!
Do you have a sunless tanner that works well for you?

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