As I sit here and reflect on all the posts and pictures I've seen on Instagram and Facebook this morning I can't help but think...
Do we truly understand the real meaning of Easter?
Maybe I'm just realizing it more now because my news feeds are full of growing families and friends that are new moms - but when has Easter ever been about giving extravagant baskets filled with a ridiculous amount of gifts?
Easter is about celebrating the gift that Jesus has given us.
The gift of Him paying the price for our sins by dying on the cross for us and then being raised from the dead.
Taken from She Reads Truth Daily Devotional:
Resurrection Sunday is more than the miracle of a man coming back to life.
It is the fulfillment of a promise.
It is the irremovable seal on God’s vow of love to His children.
It is the resurrection of hope.
It is the definitive declaration that the Love we long for is not dead.
He is alive. Oh, dear Sisters, He is alive!
He sits with you, He prays for you, He waits with the Father for you.
I'm not saying I won't get Kingston a gift or take him on a scavenger hunt for eggs - but He will be taught the true meaning of this holiday.
I hope that you all do the same.
Remember: Jesus paid it ALL. ALL to Him I owe.

One of my favorite songs!!! <3