How far along: 17 Weeks
Food Comparison: Onion
Gender: Boy!! We are so excited for our little man.
Weight gain: +6 lbs
Maternity clothes: I now own 1 maternity dress from Target and a few basic tees that are long so I can wear them with leggings.
Stretch marks: No - still slathering up with my belly butter!
Belly button in or out: In with belly button ring.
Sleep: One night last week I slept the entire night from 10p-545a. That is quite an accomplishment. Other than that though, it hasn't been good. Especially since last night I dreamt all night about an anaconda in our apartment and it was trying to search for the baby. So scary! What was crazy was every time I got up to go to the bathroom (which is 3 times a night usually) I went right back into the same dream.
Best moment last week: Finding out the sex. Deciding on paint colors. Shopping with CT and then again in KC with Jenna and Ayns. Purchasing our dresser/changing table. Creating our registry at Babies R' Us
. . . the list could go on!
Worst moment last week: I'm getting more sore an uncomfortable as the days go on. I swear I need a massage every day and I'm only on week 17.
Miss anything: Sleeping all the way through the night.
Movement: I'm pretty sure I feel him move about 2-3 times a day. Usually it's after dinner when I'm laying on the couch. They definitely aren't kicks but they are movements for sure!
Cravings: Beef ramen noodles, asparagus, and turnips. I love my veggies!
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Putting his nursery together. I keep buying stuff but I need to start doing stuff.
Prayer Request: This week I just pray for the overall health of Baby K. With the anatomy scan a few weeks away -- I pray all of his organs are functioning properly, I pray that he has 10 fingers and 10 toes, I pray that he has eyes that can see and ears that can hear. I pray that he is perfectly healthy so that his challenges in life aren't physical ones.

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