How far along: 16 Weeks
Food Comparison: Avocado
Gender: We find out at 315 today! Stay tuned!
Weight gain: +5 lbs
Maternity clothes: I purchased my first maternity dress using the Cartwheel by Target app. It was 40% off so I couldn't pass it up.
Stretch marks: No - still slathering up with my belly butter!
Belly button in or out: In with belly button ring.
Sleep: Good. Without my body pillow it would be rough though.
Best moment last week: CT's mom took us shopping yesterday and we picked out our crib. It should be here in about a month. Can't wait!
Worst moment last week: CT having 3 back to back snow days plus choosing to take the Monday off before. He literally purchased and watched 10+ redbox movies and didn't shower or get out of bed for 3 days. It's pretty rough being a teacher.
Miss anything: Margarita's and deli meat. Weird thing is - I hardly ate deli meat before but it's been such a huge craving.
Movement: Not really.
Cravings: I made CT take me to Buffalo Wild Wings for some boneless wings this week.
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender of Baby K today and starting our registry/nursery tomorrow!
Prayer Request: This week as Baby K has more and more calcium deposited in their bones - I pray that they grow up to be big and strong. I pray that they are not only physically strong but also emotionally strong. I also pray that Baby K is so strong in their faith. It's a harsh world out there these days and I hope to raise strong Christian children.

So exciting about the baby boy! You should go to she's hosting a whole week of baby giveaways this week!!
ReplyDeleteYou look so beautiful! Will def continue our prayers and also add these concerns.
ReplyDeleteGod is so good :)
WEEEE! So exciting to find out the gender!! You look positively darling in that picture! And goodness--so many snow days!?!?! YIKES! We're getting "pounded" here in NC today--we'll probably be shut down for a month. I kid....I hope...
ReplyDeleteSo excited to find out what you're having!!