(Sorry for the delay in this post. Im a tad bit behind schedule with Kingston being 3.5 months and all. Whoops! I'll do better next time. =))
As Kingston is getting older and I'm getting in more of a routine - there aren't as many 'new' things that are super must haves. We are still getting a lot of use out of many items from the previous months must haves but below are some of the newest things I'm loving!
1. Mobile
When Kingston wakes up in the morning and the random times he's in his crib throughout the day - he loves watching his mobile. This was one of the first projects I made for his room and I'm so glad I did. It is black and white with pops of metallic and it hangs from an air vent so it is constantly twirling. He will lay in his crib watching and talking to it which allows me a few more minutes to get things done.
(I have one ready to ship on Etsy or I could help create the perfect one for you if you'd like. Email me!)
2. Sensory Crinkle Toys
We have a black and white star that travels from his car seat to his exersaucer and back to his play mat and then an animals book (Walmart for cheap) - all that crinkle. He loves them and secretly so do I. Whether they are in his mouth or smashed between his hands - any movement makes sounds which keeps him entertained.
3. Toy Links
I was gifted some toy links and these are probably the most used toy Kingston has. Each link has a different textured pattern so they are fun to play with on their own or with other toys attached. We primarily use them to hook toys onto his carseat so it makes them reachable or on his exersaucer to add additional toys. If you were to get any toy - get these! Plus they are like 5 bucks. Multifunctional and cheap = awesome!
4. Slouchy Hats
Kingston lives in these and we purchase our from SugarLime Lane. They fit from 3 months to 18 months, are super comfy and are only $12.50. Kingston has worn hats since birth so he doesn't mess with them at all. I'm so glad we started him when we did because now that it's gotten cold, he has one on all the time and doesn't mess with them at all.
Pardon my obsession!
5. Tag Blanket
These are the perfect sized blanket to go anywhere with the baby. CT never wanted Kingston to have a 'lovey' but his tag blanket has kind of become the boy version of one. Kingston loves to sleep with something right by his face so this is what always ends up next to it. The soft minky and the interactive ribbon tabs are what make this blanket different than all the others.
6. Carters Pants
These pants are a mix between leggings and long underwear. Some are thermal waffle looking and others are your basic knit cotton. They are super basic but just my type. I don't always want to mess around with the hassle of jeans so these are the perfect alternative. They are kind of expensive at $24 for 2 pairs - but you can always find them at places like Gordmans and TJMaxx for cheap!
7. Carters Henley Thermal Onesies
If Kingston only had one piece of clothing in his entire wardrobe it would definitely be his Carters thermal onesies. They aren't 'babyish' and when Kingston wears them I think he looks like a little man. They are great piece to layer with and they wash/wear really well.
If you haven't checked out my month 1 and month 2 baby must haves and my month 1 and month 2 mama must haves - do so and add them to your registry, your online shopping cart or pin them away for later!
(I have one ready to ship on Etsy or I could help create the perfect one for you if you'd like. Email me!)
2. Sensory Crinkle Toys
We have a black and white star that travels from his car seat to his exersaucer and back to his play mat and then an animals book (Walmart for cheap) - all that crinkle. He loves them and secretly so do I. Whether they are in his mouth or smashed between his hands - any movement makes sounds which keeps him entertained.
3. Toy Links
I was gifted some toy links and these are probably the most used toy Kingston has. Each link has a different textured pattern so they are fun to play with on their own or with other toys attached. We primarily use them to hook toys onto his carseat so it makes them reachable or on his exersaucer to add additional toys. If you were to get any toy - get these! Plus they are like 5 bucks. Multifunctional and cheap = awesome!
4. Slouchy Hats
Kingston lives in these and we purchase our from SugarLime Lane. They fit from 3 months to 18 months, are super comfy and are only $12.50. Kingston has worn hats since birth so he doesn't mess with them at all. I'm so glad we started him when we did because now that it's gotten cold, he has one on all the time and doesn't mess with them at all.
Pardon my obsession!
5. Tag Blanket
These are the perfect sized blanket to go anywhere with the baby. CT never wanted Kingston to have a 'lovey' but his tag blanket has kind of become the boy version of one. Kingston loves to sleep with something right by his face so this is what always ends up next to it. The soft minky and the interactive ribbon tabs are what make this blanket different than all the others.
6. Carters Pants
These pants are a mix between leggings and long underwear. Some are thermal waffle looking and others are your basic knit cotton. They are super basic but just my type. I don't always want to mess around with the hassle of jeans so these are the perfect alternative. They are kind of expensive at $24 for 2 pairs - but you can always find them at places like Gordmans and TJMaxx for cheap!
7. Carters Henley Thermal Onesies
If Kingston only had one piece of clothing in his entire wardrobe it would definitely be his Carters thermal onesies. They aren't 'babyish' and when Kingston wears them I think he looks like a little man. They are great piece to layer with and they wash/wear really well.
If you haven't checked out my month 1 and month 2 baby must haves and my month 1 and month 2 mama must haves - do so and add them to your registry, your online shopping cart or pin them away for later!

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