Phew! Thankfully the week has come and gone and I'm so happy that we have a short 3 day work week next week!! It was my first week back to work after 16 weeks off (so naturally I'm looking forward to more time off) and Kingston's first week at daycare. Poor kid hasn't had a nap longer then 45 min in 5 days and his schedule is all sorts of messed up. I'm hoping things get better so my sweet baby can come back to me. He's been super tired = super grouchy.
Anyways . . . .
1. I confess . . . 2 minutes after dropping Kingston off on his first day of day care - I had to call them. I was trying my hardest to get in and out of there before I lost my composure, that I forgot to tell them when he ate last. When I called I promised them that I wasn't calling to check in on him already but they still probably thought I was crazy! It's been a week and I've already sent one note with tips and tricks. Yes - I'm totally that mom. Crazy!
2. I confess . . . I'm debating if I even want to put up a tree this year. Usually I am ALL for decorations and being festive - but since having a baby and all the stuff that comes with him - our apartment doesn't have much room. Is that super grinch-y of me?
3. I confess . . . we are going to look at 13 more houses this weekend (10 looked at last weekend). Maybe we will find one we like enough to put an offer on? Fingers crossed that we find something - we definitely are those people with champagne taste and a beer budget.
4. I confess . . . I had never burnt a meal until I became a mom and since then, I have burnt 3. #isuckatlife
5. I confess . . . I'm afraid that Kingston is going to like his daddy so much more then me because he gets to see him much more often. Since Kingston goes to the daycare at his high school, CT goes down to see him at least once a day - either on lunch or his plan period. Not to mention, they will be off together all summer and every school break while I'm slaving away at work. =( It hurts my heart to think of all the time I spend away from him. I mean come on .. look how sweet he is. Even if he is grouchy because he's tired.
Rock Chalk!
Linking up with: The Farmers Wife, Lauren Elizabeth, A Little Bit of Everything, XOXO Rebecca,

Aww he is so precious! I hope his schedule straightens out soon, that's a lot of adjustment! I think it's okay if you can't handle a tree, just put up some other festive decorations :) Hope you have a relaxing weekend!
ReplyDeletehe is adorable in that hat, love it! ROCK CHALK!