Last month I had a long list of mama must haves and this month is no different. Check out what has helped me conquer the second month of motherhood.
1. Ceiling Fans
If it's one of those days where Kingston thinks he is too grown for naps, one of the best things to distract the little man is the ceiling fan. This is a life saver when I'm needing to take a shower. I lay him on the bed turn on the fan and I'm able to get 4 minutes of me time in the shower.
2. Medela Double Electric Breast Pump
1. Ceiling Fans
If it's one of those days where Kingston thinks he is too grown for naps, one of the best things to distract the little man is the ceiling fan. This is a life saver when I'm needing to take a shower. I lay him on the bed turn on the fan and I'm able to get 4 minutes of me time in the shower.
2. Medela Double Electric Breast Pump
Now that Kingston is sleeping through the night, I wake up super engorged. Because of this, he only nurses off of one side during his first feeding of the day. This allows me to pump the other side and I'm so thankful for the electric pump by medela. I'm able to simultaneously feed him and pump. This pump comes with a travel case and a compact cooler, which I know will come in handy when I return to work.
Now that Kingston is sleeping through the night, I wake up super engorged. Because of this, he only nurses off of one side during his first feeding of the day. This allows me to pump the other side and I'm so thankful for the electric pump by medela. I'm able to simultaneously feed him and pump. This pump comes with a travel case and a compact cooler, which I know will come in handy when I return to work.
3. Lush Dry Shampoo
I never had a big use for dry shampoo before having a baby. Back then I was always able to shower in the morning and style my hair right after. Since having a baby, I get it in whenever I can. This usually happens in the evening when the hubby is home and can entertain the kiddo. Unfortunately, I was blessed with over-producing oil glands in my hair and so when I go to style it the next day it's always greasy. Dry shampoo has helped me conquer the greasiness. I use a powder from Lush Cosmetics and it removes the greasiness. The one thing I'm not loving about it is that I feel like I'm putting corn starch in my hair. When I run out of this bottle I plan on purchasing a spray in dry shampoo. Any recommendations?
4. 1.5" Curling Iron
Again, because of the lack of time and having to wash my hair at night, a large barreled curling iron has become my new best friend. Since I usually sleep on wet hair, I wake up with waves. This curling iron helps to create additional loose waves in no time at all. These days I spend maybe 4-5 mins curling my hair and it surprisingly turns out pretty good!
5. Up&Up Milk Storage Freezer Bags
I'm working on building up my freezer stash for when I return back to work and Kingston starts daycare. So far I'm up to about 250oz and they are stored in the Target generic brand Up&Up bags. They are very similar to Medela's bags except half the price. The only problem I have with them is that when I have 5 oz in a bottle and pour it in the bag it reads as an ounce more. I think this is because of the shape of the bags. Just make sure you label it correctly and it shouldn't be a problem.
6. Hazelnut Coffee Creamer
No words necessary. I like my creamer with a splash of coffee. You can never have enough of this in your fridge!
7. V- Neck Tees
I purchase mine from Gordman's for cheap so when I outwear (which I do because I wear them all the time), then I can just toss them in the trash. I've found that v-necks help with being able to easily breastfeed. Instead of pulling the whole shirt up, I can just pull the v-neck to the side.
8. Wet Bag
I originally purchased these wet bags for my cloth diapers but I have found that they can be used for so much more! If you have a blow out, dirty spit up burp rags or wet swimming clothes throw them in here and they won't get all over anything else. You can then empty the bag into the washer and toss it in as well. These are a necessity for the diaper bag!
I still use many items from the first month mama must haves, especially the apps and baby monitor! Life savers for sure!!

Man I wish my freezer looked like that! I'm 2.5 weeks pp and I'm only getting about 1oz of milk out. I can't wait to start producing where I can fill up my freezer!!! And I have that same breast pump! I love it!