I came across a pretty cool link up that Erin at Love, Fun, & Football is co-hosting, discussing first homes and apartments. Here is to a day of firsts!
First apartment or house on your own (away from you parents!)
First room you decorated or would like to decorate
First thing you bought for it, or would like to buy

First apartment or house on your own (away from you parents!)
After moving out of my parents house I moved into a dorm with 4 other girls and CT. Technically he wasn't really my roommate, but since the first day we hung out we stayed together every night. Out of the 9 months I lived there, we only got caught on 2 different occasions, so I'd say we were pretty successful!
Some of my volleyball teammates/roommates!
(Boy would I love to have my hair like this again)
Let me tell you a story about the first time we stayed together. CT and I were up all night talking and when we eventually fell asleep we ended up sleeping on top of the covers, not touching each other, and CT had his shoes on. Thinking back on it makes me laugh so hard. We were so young and so awkward!
After the dorms, I moved into a house on campus with 4 other girls and eventually my first pet Bentley. Luckily, after drawing straws, I got the massive bedroom that was converted from a garage, and it was away from all 4 of the other rooms. This room was ginormous with a huge closet and just enough space to get a puppy!
(Man - I'm such the rule breaker - having boys stay over in the dorms and getting an animal on campus!)
My roommates and I trying out our hand at painting!

I loved this closet! When we end up purchasing a home- I won't settle for anything less than this!
After the house on campus, I lived with another girl for 8 months and then moved into the apartment I'm in now. CT and I currently live above my uncles business, so we get the family discount. We have a 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom apartment downtown and pay a whopping $300 a month in rent. We are so very blessed!
After we got married and purchased new cars, we had the itch to move somewhere with a garage and more storage. We ended up checking out some places to rent and quickly realized how fortunate we are for how much we have for so little the cost.
First room you decorated or would like to decorate?I really enjoy decorating! I wish I had a home where I could make more permanent decisions, but I think I'm doing an okay job at working with what I have.
My current problem is the lack of storage space in our apartment. After our wedding I wanted to move so badly that I kept all of our wedding gifts piled in a corner, unopened and unused. After we figured out we were going to be in this apartment a little more long term, I started getting things out, decorating, ect.

This was my most recent organizing/decorating accomplishment. I switched our dining room and 'hobby room'. You now walk into our apartment to the top picture, which is way more inviting than what it use to be.
Our new hobby room is much more put together and organized than the before picture, but I still need to find a solution to organizing fabric and some cute storage for all my little nick-nacks.
Any ideas or recommendations of what works for you?
First thing you bought for it, or would like to buy?
The first major thing we bought as a couple for our apartment was our set of couches. We used our first tax return as a married couple and splurged on a nice couch and love seat.
What I am currently keeping my eye out for is the perfect buffet table. Something with some closed storage so I can hide a few things and preferably red.
Anyways, I made my first batch of no bake cookies today and they are so good, so addicting, and so not healthy!
I also went to re-activate our YMCA membership today. We officially don't qualify for reduced membership pricing because we made to much last year. That's a first! I can't decide if I'm happy about that or disappointed. =)

Dang! $300 a month for your rent! That's amazing. Definitely should stay there a bit longer, until you absolutely *need* to move somewhere else! :) Thanks for joining in and linking up with us!