Here are a few items that have been essential for Kingston's second month of life.
{If you missed it - check out my first month must haves.}
The BEST $7 ever spent! This mat is light weight/easy to store, holds Kingston in place and it helps me gauge how much water I need. I fill up the tub just enough so the whole turtle is submerged and it is the perfect amount of water. This makes bath time so much easier.
Seriously, don't spend money on any other bath system. This ooption is cheap and super effective.
Kingston only takes a paci when he is tired and every other time he spits it out so aggressively. This clip makes things so much easier and I always know where to look for it. We primarily use this in the car and attach it to his shoulder pad of his carseat. That way while I'm driving, I can blindly find the paci and I no longer have to unbuckle and get out of my seat to search all the crevasses for it.
We purchased the 3 pack of liners from Babies R' Us and have used the heck out of these. One of them is always on our changing pad, one is in the diaper bag so we can use it out and about, and the third is on our changing table waiting to be used. As you all know, babies poop and pee when ever and where ever, and these liners help me from having to change the changing pad cover every day. My boy also tends to spit up almost every time he is getting his diaper changed so these are definitely a must for us.
Last month it was nice to have the sleep sacks to make the middle of the night changes easier. I noticed that Kingston would wake up from kicking his legs and getting them caught in the sacks. We were gifted some carters zip up pjs and I love them. What's nice is that they zip up from the top down - so it's like a backwards zipper. I love this because I only have to unzip it half way to change his diaper instead of having to have his whole top half exposed too.
It keeps the baby warmer which keeps the baby happier!
It keeps the baby warmer which keeps the baby happier!
This ointment was originally made for cows udders but was recommend to us to help treat diaper rash, dry skin and everything in between. We have used it during diaper changes and more recently we used it when Kingston scratched his forehead. It smells medicinal (and reminds me of old ladies) so it won't win any prizes for smelling good, but it definitely gets the job done. It comes in a huge 10oz tub which will last us a while I'm sure but the only place we could find it was at Wahlgreens. PS- this is not cloth diaper safe.
Since Kingston has been starting to see things better and has become way more alert of everything going on around him, the activity play mat has kept him entertained for a few minutes at a time. He isn't able to reach for anything yet, but I make sure to lay him on it to where he can kick the heavy objects. We also do tummy time on the mat and the bright colors really keep his attention. I'm sure this mat will be on or 3rd and 4th month must haves too. It seems to be a 'toy' that grows with them and I love that you can get your moneys worth out of it.
7. Burp Cloths
I haven't found a brand that I like better than another, but in general burp cloths are essential. We have them everywhere: on the couch arms, on the swing, on the crib, on the changing table, in the diaper bag and on my bedside table. You get the picture. . . you can never have enough of them. Especially since it's the one thing that never seems to be close enough when you need it.
I LOVE the smell of this lotion. It smells like a deliciously sweet sleepy baby. We use the 'pink' lotion during the day and the 'purple' lotion at night. It may all be in my head, but I think using two different smells of lotion helps to differentiate between day time and night time for the babe.
9. Nike Socks
My mom for years would always talk about babies and their need to always wear socks. Well it makes it hard for them to always wear them when the darn things don't like to stay on their tiny little feet. I have found that Nike socks tend to stay on the best and are they are the cutest. Check out your local discount stores like Ross and Gordmans. I've always had good luck finding them there and they are much much cheaper.
We use the closer to nature bottles that are supposed to mimic the natural feel of a mothers nipple. Kingston has only taken 6 bottles total and so far they have worked really well for us. I like that these bottles have a slow flow nipple option so the babes don't drown while inhaling the milk.
Hopefully this was helpful!
Do you have any other products I should try out?
Linking up with Leslyn!
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*This content uses referral links.

Great list--- stopping by from the link up and I love all of these! I used many of them when the baby was younger.... PS. you look great for just having a baby!