Let me preface this post:
no babies were harmed or upset in the process of making this post.
Kingston LOVES the water and the freedom the Otteroo gives him.
Kingston LOVES the water and the freedom the Otteroo gives him.
CT had a friend on Facebook post a video of her babe in the Otteroo and naturally my first instinct was 'What the heck. That can't be safe or fun for that kid'. After the initial uneasiness of it wore off, I became more intrigued. CT kept talking about how much Kingston would enjoy it because he loves bath time - so I reached out to Otteroo and before you know it we had one coming in the mail. Both CT and I were super excited to get it so you better believe we got Kingston buckled in the moment it arrived. I blew it up while CT got the video camera ready!
What is an otteroo you ask? An otteroo is an infant flotation device that helps transition babes from the womb to the bath and then from the bath to the pool. It's ideal starting from 8 weeks till 35 pounds.
The otteroo was super simple to maneuver. It took 2 seconds to blow up and then it stretches horizontally to easily fit around your littles neck. It comes with a cushioned chin rest and two simple clasps to keep your little one comfortable and secure.
Obviously, there are hazards like any water device: Don't leave your child unattended in it. Check for proper tube inflation before placing your child in it. Make sure both clasps are secure to ensure it stays secure around your babies neck.
At 12 weeks I can tell Kingston is enjoying the freedom it gives him and his favorite thing to do in it is kick off the side of the tub. Right now we are getting 5 good minutes nightly during bath time, but I'm sure before long he is going to outgrow the bath. I'm really looking forward to next summer when we can use it at an actual pool!
So far we've gotten comments like 'he looks frightened' and 'what is that thing'.
Ya it may look funky but my child loves it!
Good job Otteroo!
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I hope you little enjoys it as much as mine does!
I hope you little enjoys it as much as mine does!

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