Monday, August 18, 2014

Kingston Changed My Marriage . . .

. . . for the better! 

In two and half short weeks, I can say that my marriage and relationship with my husband is 100% better than it ever has been. 

 We work better as a team. 
CT is so hands on with Kingston and it truly is the biggest blessing to have someone do everything with me. From bath times to diaper changes and from me feeding and he finishing off with the burping - everything we do wit Kingston is together. CT helps out around the house or if I need something when I'm unable to do things because I'm needed by the baby. It really is the best feeling in the world to work together as a team.  

 We communicate so much better. 
We haven't raised our voices. We haven't been rude to each other. We consider the other persons opinions and views on each subject. I know it's because we are now thinking of more then just ourselves. The things we disagreed on before Kingston was born (daycare, etc.) we now have total different views on and we were able to discuss things as 'adults'. Becoming parents has really made us mature in how we communicate. 

I'm sure there are a lot more things that have changed and I'm sure things aren't always going to be this easy - but it's a good feeling. CT and I have been together going on our 8th year and I think things can only continue to get better from here.  

I love our family we have created and I am truly so thankful that God has given me a man that wants nothing more then to be an amazing father. It makes my duty as a wife and mother so much more rewarding and doable with the extra help and encouragement from my husband. 

I continue to fall more in love with this man as the days go on. 


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