A little back ground information:
I was one of those girls that was always complaining to CT every time I got on facebook and saw that someone else was engaged. It seemed like a ton of people we knew were getting engaged but all of them had been together less time than we had. Needless to say, I was getting extremely impatient and probably super annoying always asking when our time was coming.
It was about this time 2 years ago when we
were on our way to Kansas City for the Cardinals vs. Royals game. CT and
I had met up with one of my best friends to do some shopping, comedy
club, lots of eating, and the baseball game.
The weekend prior to going to Kansas City, CT wanted to go to my home town and visit my parents for the weekend. Looking back I should have put two and two together and knew that he was trying to find a time to talk to my parents. Another thing that should have tipped me off, was the week prior to attending the game, CT took me ring shopping and as I
was looking at rings all he was concerned about were the bands.
(If you know me, you know I hate surprises and would have tried everything to find out prior. I know, shame on me!)
SO, Saturday June 27, 2010 as we were sitting in the outfield at Royals stadium CT asked me to marry him and I said yes!
He had sent me on long treacherous walk (which I had done 2 innings prior) to get him a hot dog and refill of mt. dew. It was his turn so of course it took some convincing on his part to make me go, but when I came back he got down on one knee and asked. =)
No, I didn't cry. No, that doesn't make me heartless. I was excited and in total shock!
Thankfully the ladies below us were kind enough to take pictures because it's something I love looking back on.
took place in the 7th inning, and throughout the last 2 innings we were
busy updating our family, friends, and facebook! I have never seen my
husband so okay with his team loosing, but after he proposed our minds were else where.
Before heading out of town, I had CT stop at a Barnes & Noble where we found a wedding planning book. From that moment on, almost every thought and minute of my life was consumed with wedding planning!
He did a great job, huh?