What a l-o-n-g week it has been. I am SO thankful tomorrow is Friday. After being gone to Hawaii for 2 weeks, coming back to work and having 2 grown up snow days, and then the last 2 Friday's in a row being off for a dr's apt and going out of town, I forgot what it was like to work 5 days in a row. Hopefully someday I will no longer have to work 5 days a week or better yet, what ever I'm doing won't feel like work. Anyways...TG(tomorrow)IF!
On a more EXCITING note... a big shout out and thanks to Beautiful Dawn Designs and Carrie Loves for the tutorials on how to add pretty social media buttons to my side bar.
I'm loving how it turned out!
I have been itching for a total redo of the blog, but until I fully commit to getting one designed this addition of the buttons will do.
I was informed today of an extremely affordable gal who creates super cute designs. Erin over at Love, Fun, & Football has a flat fee of $30 which I will someday use to recreate this mess I have created.
Blog layout design.
Intro button with image & About Me section.
Social media icons.
Custom navigation bar/tabs.
Labels for gadgets.
What a steal! I think making the investment will motivate me to do better!
I was informed today of an extremely affordable gal who creates super cute designs. Erin over at Love, Fun, & Football has a flat fee of $30 which I will someday use to recreate this mess I have created.
Blog layout design.
Intro button with image & About Me section.
Social media icons.
Custom navigation bar/tabs.
Labels for gadgets.
What a steal! I think making the investment will motivate me to do better!
Check out these amazing business cards I am drooling over.

At the moment I don't really have a need for them, but I am throwing around the idea of opening up an Etsy shop. That would make these definitely a necessity then, right? =)
Maybe I should think of a name and fully commit to the idea before I order these beauties.
Names I have came up with so far: TiffRoss Creations, TiffRoss Couture, Ross Rosettes?? What a big decision, and of course my usually creative mind doesn't work well under pressure!
CT has his first Buffs baseball game next week. We looked at the weather this morning and the forcast says snow. =(( Fingers crossed that doesn't happen! It will be April by-golly and this snow stuff is getting really old.
Well, its left over night in our household and I plan on watching the new episode of Grey's & Scandal followed by a little NCAA Shocker Basketball.
Good luck Wichita State!
you can always have your ammmazzzing graphic designer friend diane create a business card for you :)