I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I have been catching up on housework, especially laundry (my least favorite) and spending as much quality time with the hubby as I can. If you read my post about my men, you could have guessed that the quality time was spent in front of the TV watching the football playoffs and Kobe, but I will take what I can get!
Most people this weekend probably have a 3 day weekend due to Martin Luther King Jr's birthday, but tomorrow while everyone is at home I will be starting my first day of work! I am beyond excited. Hopefully, I think I'm going to like it so much that it won't really be 'working' but more like having fun. Because I will be working at a cute little boutique, it was the perfect excuse to give to the hubby to go out and buy some new clothes! I was able to hit the sale racks today and come away with 4 shirts, a pair of damask leggings, some bangles, and 3 pairs of earrings for only $48! I didn't really 'need' anything, so I told myself that I could only look at things on sale. I would have to say I was a pretty good bargain shopper! I will be snapping some photos of the new outfits for a later post!
Anyone else watch the Miss America pageant last night? I was able to sneak away from watching football and catch the whole show. Of course being from Kansas I was cheering for her, but when she didn't make the semi finals Miss Oklahoma was girl I figured would go all the way. Unfortunately, she made is all the way through to the final five but ended up getting runner up. Who was your favorite?

<-- Miss Kansas
Miss Oklahoma -->
I have officially been blogging for a week and a day! Even if I was the only one reading this, it would still be fun for me. This is just a place for me to share my thoughts, my life, and a few crafts and organizational projects here and there. Hopefully I will be able to find some time to write this week as well as start on the Valentines Day decor projects, but since I won't be home all day anymore it's going to be a little more difficult. Wish me luck! I don't know how working women and mom's do it. Blogging takes more time than you would think.
PS- Has everyone printed off their weekly meal plan and planned out their meals for the week? This has become a part of my Sunday ritual and I'm off to do that now!
PSS- Thanks to A New Veiw 365, I have a super cool 'bloggin in Kansas' picture!
Hi Tiffany, welcome to the blogging world. You are going to love it and you will make great new friends and learn many new things. I have picked up many a great tip. Hope your first day on the job went well. I have just found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris