Thursday, June 26, 2014

My First Son - Bentley

His whole world is about to get rocked - like drastically changed. 
He has been a mama's boy since the moment we brought his little 1 lb. body home. He follows be everywhere, spins a hundred circles when I come home from work each day, goes to bed when I go to bed and wakes up with me when my alarm goes off. 

Lately I've noticed that he's becoming even more clingy. Like he knows a human is about to come and take over his spot in our home and in our heart. 

He's been the 'king' of our home for almost 6 years and now the real King is about to arrive. 

CT took him into the vet last week for his yearly appointment and they told him he is 1 year away from being considered a senior citizen. How sad is that? I can't even imagine what our lives would be like without him. I am so thankful for our little bent/bent-tail/puppers. He has taught me what it's like for someone to depend on you for their every need and in return show you nothing but unconditional love. I think he's helped me prepare for this thing I'm about to embark on: motherhood. 

I pray that during this new change in all our our lives that I am able to still show him the same amount of love and attention as I previously have. 
How do I make sure this happens?  

Monday, June 23, 2014

Week 35

Pool time this weekend - feeling large and in charge. 

How far along: 35 Weeks
Food Comparison: Coconut
Weight gain: +21 lbs 
Maternity clothes: Same ole same ole.  
Stretch marks: Yeup. 
Belly button in or out: Outie
Sleep: My poor husband - I now sleep with 4 different pillows. A down pillow underneath my head, a body pillow under the belly and between the knees, and then two accent pillows behind my back to keep me propped up. 
Best moment last week: CT getting his car back with a fixed AC and selling my first thing on Esty! Stay tuned for a grey and yellow puff quilt! 
Worst moment last week: This darn heartburn. 
Miss anything: This hot weather has me missing a frozen margarita like no other. 
Movement: So many. He makes my belly shake all day. 
Cravings: Chocolate Milk. Watermelon. Guac. 
Queasy or sick: No. Just heartburn. 
Looking forward to: Our fourth and final shower this week at my work. Then we can make a list of everything else we need to purchase. I'm ready to have his nursery 100% complete. Nesting has finally arrived. 
Prayer Request: The week I pray that Kingston's stubborn little butt continues to rotate and he choose to finally go to his correct spot. I feel like the chiropractic visits are helping - but he's just super stubborn. Come on son! 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The World Is Your Playground : Tutorial

Way back at the beginning of this pregnancy I knew I wanted our nursery theme to be modern and monochromatic: black, white, metallic silver. And then eventually we would throw in an accent color depending on the sex of Baby K.

If you've been around a while you've probably noticed that our whole lives are black and white: everything from our 
wardrobe - to our cars - to our animals. It's just how we do things around here! 

Anyways, I saw a picture on Instagram one day of a huge world map with the words 'The World Is Your Playground' and I knew I had to make it a part of the nursery! After doing a little more research it brought me to a cute Etsy shop - The Rusted Arrow.

For $19.99 you can have it shipped right to your front door . . .  but what's the fun in that? 
I wanted to 'craft' and create a little mama-made artwork. 

Of course, I turned to non other than Pinterest to see if I could find a free print of a world map and try to recreate the wording on my own. 
Thankfully, I stumbled upon a blog (that I now read daily) of a wonderful mama who creates prints and shares freely with others! She even lets you put in new requests and edits on already created ones. 

Marci at If These Walls Could Speak already had a world map print but it was in color (and you know how I feel about color) and not exactly what I was looking for.  

After requesting some tweaks - she was able to create a few different options for me to pick from. 

Of course I went with the plain choice because it was most like the original inspiration and because I thought it would stand out more against our dark walls. 

I downloaded the print from Marci's online drop box folder and then sent it by email to my local office max store. They were able to blow it up into and engineer print (18x24) for $1.75. What a steal! I purchased a piece of foam board, attached the print with some spray adhesive, freehanded the words and then topped it off with a little glitter.

Of course I couldn't pass up the little figurines to help share the shelf. 

I really love how it turned out and for close to $7.00 - you can't beat that! 

I'm so thankful to to gracious people that create beauties and share with others. 
Thanks again Marci! 

 photo heartturquoise_zps509801ac.png

PS - Check out the other fun projects we've done so far in our nursery:

Linking up with: Lindsey

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What I Wore: Maternity: Baby Shower #3

This weekend my friends threw Kingston and I our 3rd baby shower. We came away with lots of goodies, books, and advice and I am forever grateful.
 We definitely felt the love! 

This outfit was one I originally bought for our maternity photos. The only difference was - in our photos I wore a bandeau but I thought it would be a little more appropriate to wear a tank when seeing people. I know a lot of people like pregnant bellies but I doubt they'd like seeing my stuff all out on display like that!   

Tank // Liz Lange Maternity for Target (maternity)
Fringe Crochet Tank // Maurices - similarsimilar and similar (not maternity)
Maxi Skirt // Rue21 (not maternity) 
Birkenstock Mulit-Striped Papillio Sandals // gift - similarsimilar and similar
Watch // Michael Kors
Necklace // gift - similarsimilar and similar

This was such a comfortable outfit and I received so many compliments on it. The skirt was a little form fitting around the rear but I'm glad the tank was long enough to cover it. This way it covered all my lumps and bumps! 

Stay tuned to see how our maternity photos turned out in this outfit! 

Linking up with LindseyShea, and Tara.

 photo heartturquoise_zps509801ac.png

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Recap: Baby Shower #3

This weekend Kingston, CT and I were spoiled with awesome advice and gifts from some of my best friends. 

My friends Katie and Jenna hosted the cutest shower that matched perfectly with our nursery color scheme - black, white, mint, metallic, and mustache. 

(We totes didn't plan to match - but we did!) 

Cupcakes, cream puffs, cream cheese goodies, sandwiches, punch. 
This pregnant mama to be was happy! 

I am so thankful to all the ladies that came to help us celebrate! 
(And the ones that couldn't make it but still sent gifts)

The best piece of advice that I received yesterday:
As excited as you are to see all of those 'nexts' (rolling over, crawling, walking) - just live in the moment. They are only little once so cherish each and every day. 

This is something I plan to work on every day. Time passes too quick. 
As new parents I hope to soak it all up and live in the moment - the good and the bad! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Week 34

How far along: 34 Weeks -- What!
Food Comparison: Average Cantaloupe 
Weight gain: +20 lbs 
Maternity clothes: A few pieces here and there. 
Stretch marks: Yeup. 
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Good one night, bad the next. Under eye circles have become a permanent on me. 
Best moment last week: Our 3rd baby shower with some of the greatest friends and getting our maternity photos done at sunset! I'm excited to see how they turn out.  
Worst moment last week: The increasing uncomfortableness. A little acid reflux. Back pain. Pelvic pain. The works! So thankful though that I've been able to make it this far. 
Today CT said 'Why do you walk around like you are broken?' Seriously dude? I am carrying around 20 extra pounds of weight, my organs are no longer in the places there are suppose to be, and I'm getting karate chopped on those organs. 
Miss anything: I've been really wanting to go to this new indoor trampoline park right across the street from our apartment - so I guess you would say I miss being able to be active. 
Movement: Yes. 
Cravings: Watermelon.
Queasy or sick: No. 
Looking forward to: His arrival. I know we have a few more weeks but I'm getting anxious. I just want to see his beautiful face and make sure that he is 100% healthy.  
Prayer Request: This week I pray for a healthy safe birth (whichever way it may happen) and a healthy baby boy. I also pray that the Lord helps to calm my anxious mind. I know He has a plan for every situation and before long He will bless us with our perfect little man. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

About Me: Always, Sometimes, Never

A little about me -- 

I Always ... 

... have at least two different chapsticks in my purse at all times
... listen to K-Love whenever I can
... sleep with a box fan
... check social media before I got to bed and as soon as my alarm goes off 
... have more drinks in our fridge than food
... freak out at the thought of tornados 

I Sometimes ... 

... snore 
... bite my nails 
... put a little too much creamer in my coffee
... snoop for my presents around the holidays
... fluff or wash the clothes in the laundry an extra time to avoid doing them
... don't shave my legs for weeks

I never ...

... look forward to going to the dentist 
... like to wash my face at night
... spell things right 
... can not nag when my husband drives 
... can leave pimples unpopped  


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pre-Baby To-Do List

6 weeks stand between me and Kingston's due date. 
Time is flying around here and it doesn't seem like there's enough hours to get things done. Or maybe I'm just exhausted after work and want to do nothing but sit, eat, and blog. 
Motivation needs to strike soon! 

These are mostly mental notes to myself but let me know if I'm missing anything! 

To-Do Around the House
1. Rent a rug dr. and clean carpets
2. Clean out the fridge
3. Vacuum baseboards 
4. Clean out car - in/out/trunk
5. Scrub tub
6. Wash sheets

To-Do Before Birth
1. Get a pedicure
2. Dye my hair 
3. Brazilian wax 
4. Pack hospital bags
5. Prep cloth diapers
6. Wash crib sheets/boppy cover
7. Wash clothes NB-3 months
8. Install car seat bases
9. Make freezer meals

To-Buy Before Baby
1. Towel rod
2. Kitchen Basket for baby gadgets
3. Living room toy bin 
4. 3 small baskets for dresser

Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 33

How far along: 33 Weeks -- Where is the time going?! 
Food Comparison: Pineapple
Weight gain: +20 lbs 
Maternity clothes: A few pieces here and there. 
Stretch marks: Yeup. 
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Depends on the night. I'm just thankful that I'm able to fall back asleep as soon as I get done using the restroom. 
Best moment last week: Getting to see our little man, meeting with a chiropractor that can hopefully work some magic and loosen me up enough to help Kingston flip, and meeting with potentially our new childcare provider! 
Worst moment last week: The weather canceling our maternity photos on Saturday and getting really emotional about not knowing the best way to go with this whole breech baby thing. At this point - I'm going to do everything in my power to avoid having a C-Section. Right now that means seeing a chiropractor 2-3 times a week, daily stretches and meeting with a maternal-fetal Dr. in a few weeks to discuss the ECV procedure. 
Miss anything: Being able to bend over and get out of bed with no problems. 
Movement: Yes! Mostly when I'm laying down or after I eat. 
Cravings: Desert and drinks. 
Queasy or sick: No. 
Looking forward to: Kingston's baby shower this weekend with some of my best friends! 
Prayer Request: This week I pray for peace of mind. 
Peace with knowing what is meant to be will be. Peace with knowing that if I end of having to have a c-section things will be okay. 

A reminder for myself:

Philippians  4:6-7 
6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Roadtrip Interview - Hubby Style

Right before we hit the road for our baby moon - I read a post done by Marci at If These Walls Could Speak about an interview with her hubby. It was fun to see the man behind her blog and to understand their relationship a little better. 

I figured sometime during our drive to Dallas - it would be the perfect time for CT and I to turn down the music, put our phones away and for me to interrogate him for your pleasure! 
(Most of these questions came from Marci and a few from google.)

Me: What is the name of my blog?
CT: Crafting A Fairytale.

Me: What do I mainly write about?
CT: Our lives and crafts.

Me: Have you read any posts?
CT: *shakes head yes* 
Me: Which ones? 
CT: The one about our 'C' day date'. 

Me: What do you know about Pinterest?
CT: It's where you get all of your cooking and crafting ideas from. Basically it's like instagram and google combined. *pauses* I think that's a really good comparison. 

Me: What is a popular fashion item for girls right now?
CT: Leggings or combat boots.
Me: Coming from the high school teacher.
CT: Yeup! 

Me: What is the pantone color of the year?
CT: Pantone?
Me: Ya.
CT: Can you explain that? 
Me: I think it's a brand of paint.
CT: Well I heard orange is the new black so I'll go with that. 
Me: It's radiant orchard. 
CT: So like orange/red? 
Me: Not quite, it's purple. 

Me: What does OOTD stand for?
CT: Outfit of the day
Me: You knew that? 
CT: I get asked all the time during passing periods to take photos of people so they can hashtag #ootd 

Me: What do I do when I'm home alone?
CT: Craft or watch your shows.

Me: What do you do when you are home alone?
CT: Watch sports or get on social media.

Me: What's an acceptable amount to spend on a makeup item?
CT: Oh my. Nothing should cost over 5 bucks. 

Me: What's an acceptable amount to spend on a dress?
CT: What kind of dress?
Me: A dress I wear.
CT: Like a wedding dress?
Me: No. 
CT: $50 or less. 
Me: *shocked* 
(I've never came close to spending that on a dress other than my prom dresses or my wedding dress)

Me: Where is your dream vacation? 
CT: Disney World. Universal Studios. 
Me: *as I cut him off* - Not Sea World though. 
(We rented the movie Black Fish about how they treat the killer whales that perform and I might have cried a few times. It's so sad to see how they are treated ultimately for our enjoyment.)

Me: What's the first thing you noticed about me?
CT: Your legs or your face. 
(read about how we met here!)

Me: What's your favorite trait about me that's not physical?
CT: Your big heart. 
Me: What's that mean exactly?
CT: Your love for people and you cry a lot when you see sad stuff. 

Me: What do we argue about most?
CT: Chores

Me: Do I PMS?
CT: I don't think so. 
Me: Obviously I haven't in the last 8 months so you've probably forgot. 

Me: What animal resembles me?
CT: Haha. A giraffe. 
Me: Why a giraffe? 
CT: Your long skinny features. Long skinny legs, fingers, neck and nose. 

Me: What would I eat everyday if I could?
CT: cheese, onions and white grape juice. 
(he totes hit that right on the head!) 

Me: What's our favorite thing to do together? 
CT: Go out to dinner or go to church. 

CT really enjoyed answering these questions and was bummed when it was over. By the time we got to the end of this we were getting into Dallas traffic and I needed him to focus! More importantly I needed to focus. I'm definitely the worst back seat driver. 

Hope you enjoyed and got to know us a little better! 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Babymoon/Birthday Weekend Recap

Last week - I skipped out on the last few days of the work week to head down to Dallas with my baby daddy. We didn't have any plans other then to stop at a few casinos, do some shopping, and eat some good food. 

We woke up on Thursday and leisurely made our way down to Dallas. I drove the first half of the trip and CT drove the last part. With bathroom breaks, lunch breaks and casino breaks a normal 5 hour trip turned into 8. 

As planned, we stopped at the Kansas Star and WinStar casino. CT played roulette and I play the penny slots and the most we got up with $3. We lost our money so fast - but it was a nice break up to the trip. Let's just say it was an expensive $80 stretch/potty break. 

We then stopped at Pops for lunch in Arcadia, OK. 

Just a little restaurant/gas station off Route66 outside Edmond,OK. We had hamburgers and then went and picked out some soda's from their 600 different choices. 

Ranch soda, sweet corn soda, pimple pop soda (marshmallow), root beer, chocolate soda, orange cream soda, blue raspberry soda, and a fruit punch soda. Root beer and pimple pop soda were the best with chocolate coming in last. And let me tell you - that sweet corn soda tasted exactly like it - especially as it was coming up later in burps. 
It was an experience for sure - and another waste of $20. 
We sent the left overs home with my parents so they can have a taste testing party too. 

The rest of the weekend was filled with CT talking to google - trying to find us some great eats in Dallas. Even though I'm the one 8 months pregnant - I left the food decisions up to him. 
We hit up Picasso's Bar and Grill, Crossroads Diner, Chipolte and Waffle House. 

If you are ever in east Dallas - definitely check out Crossroads Diner - such a delicious spot for breakfast. 

This little man has definitely gotten his fair share of sugar these past few months. 
This cinnamon roll was the 

We also did lots of shopping or should I say CT did lots of shopping. It was my birthday weekend but he's the one that came home with a pair of sweats, a pair of shorts, 5 new t-shirts (a floral, snake print, cheetah pocket shirts -- I love preppy hubby) and some sun glasses. I did get to go to IKEA and get some goodies for the house! I just wasn't in the mood for looking for myself. I'm so over being huge and spending money on clothes that I'll only wear another month or so. I'll save my money for when I start working on the hott soccer mom/milf body and need all smaller sizes. A girl can dream right?

On our way home - CT and I wished we would have taken a trip somewhere tropical and sunny but we decided that we will save that for our 5 year anniversary. Only 2 years and 1 month away and we are thinking Hawaii or the Florida Keys. 
Who knows - all we know is we are doing it!  

Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 32

How far along: 32 Weeks 
Food Comparison: Large Jicama - I don't know what that is but according to our sonogram today - it's probably a fruit that's close to a 4lb 5oz baby
Gender: Boy!! 
Weight gain: +20 lbs 
Maternity clothes: A few pieces here and there. 
Stretch marks: I've counted 4 but none on the belly. =(
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Awful. I can't fall asleep and then I wake up at least 3 times to use the restroom. 
Best moment last week: Our 4 day weekend: baby moon/birthday weekend to Dallas! 

Shopping. Food. More shopping. Sleeping in. More food. Losing money at the casino. 

Worst moment last week: Earlier today we found out Kingston is still breech. What a little booger. Looks like I'm placing a call to a chiropractor tomorrow and if that doesn't work we will have to schedule the ECV around week 35.
 (where they manually try to turn him from the outside) 
Youtube it. I dare ya.
Miss anything: Sleep. Being able to see my lady parts and having unswollen lady parts. TMI? 
Movement: He's super active all the time these days. I love it and so does CT. 
Cravings: Ice cream. 
Queasy or sick: No. 
Looking forward to: Meeting with some daycare providers this week.
Prayer Request: This week I pray for Kingston to not be stubborn and to flip on his own and to find the perfect child care provider for our little man. 

So cute but so stubborn! And a thumb sucker?? Oh lawd! 

PS - Check out CraftingAFairyTale on Etsy! I've made tons of goodies for Kingston that I would love to recreate for you.