Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Babymoon/Birthday Weekend Recap

Last week - I skipped out on the last few days of the work week to head down to Dallas with my baby daddy. We didn't have any plans other then to stop at a few casinos, do some shopping, and eat some good food. 

We woke up on Thursday and leisurely made our way down to Dallas. I drove the first half of the trip and CT drove the last part. With bathroom breaks, lunch breaks and casino breaks a normal 5 hour trip turned into 8. 

As planned, we stopped at the Kansas Star and WinStar casino. CT played roulette and I play the penny slots and the most we got up with $3. We lost our money so fast - but it was a nice break up to the trip. Let's just say it was an expensive $80 stretch/potty break. 

We then stopped at Pops for lunch in Arcadia, OK. 

Just a little restaurant/gas station off Route66 outside Edmond,OK. We had hamburgers and then went and picked out some soda's from their 600 different choices. 

Ranch soda, sweet corn soda, pimple pop soda (marshmallow), root beer, chocolate soda, orange cream soda, blue raspberry soda, and a fruit punch soda. Root beer and pimple pop soda were the best with chocolate coming in last. And let me tell you - that sweet corn soda tasted exactly like it - especially as it was coming up later in burps. 
It was an experience for sure - and another waste of $20. 
We sent the left overs home with my parents so they can have a taste testing party too. 

The rest of the weekend was filled with CT talking to google - trying to find us some great eats in Dallas. Even though I'm the one 8 months pregnant - I left the food decisions up to him. 
We hit up Picasso's Bar and Grill, Crossroads Diner, Chipolte and Waffle House. 

If you are ever in east Dallas - definitely check out Crossroads Diner - such a delicious spot for breakfast. 

This little man has definitely gotten his fair share of sugar these past few months. 
This cinnamon roll was the bomb.com. 

We also did lots of shopping or should I say CT did lots of shopping. It was my birthday weekend but he's the one that came home with a pair of sweats, a pair of shorts, 5 new t-shirts (a floral, snake print, cheetah pocket shirts -- I love preppy hubby) and some sun glasses. I did get to go to IKEA and get some goodies for the house! I just wasn't in the mood for looking for myself. I'm so over being huge and spending money on clothes that I'll only wear another month or so. I'll save my money for when I start working on the hott soccer mom/milf body and need all smaller sizes. A girl can dream right?

On our way home - CT and I wished we would have taken a trip somewhere tropical and sunny but we decided that we will save that for our 5 year anniversary. Only 2 years and 1 month away and we are thinking Hawaii or the Florida Keys. 
Who knows - all we know is we are doing it!  

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