Friday, September 12, 2014

5 on Friday

1. Well, fall has smacked us right in the face with the whole weather change. 52 degrees today. What the fudgesicles?! Maybe I'm a baby but I had to turn on the heater in my car this morning. AND we don't really have the appropriate clothing pieces for our little man. Time for me to go find him some itty bitty jackets and sweaters. Anyone seen any good deals lately? 

2. Someone needs to make an invention that keeps a paci in a babies mouth. I know this would make my life easier. Can I get an Amen?

3. Tomorrow CT heads to Nebraska for the second weekend in a row for another football game. Kingston and I made the trip last weekend and surprisingly the drive went really well. We went up early to stop off at my parents house for a few hours and to help cut the trip time down. The first peep he made ended up being as we were pulling into town = score! Unfortunately, we messed up his 'routine' and the second half of the football game was brutal. 
I have a cranky baby when he's tired. 

4. I have two small packs of disposable diapers left and then we will embark on a cloth diapering adventure. I built our cloth diaper 'stash' while I was pregnant and since having Kingston I've realized how easy and convenient disposables are. CT really wants to try them out but I need a little more convincing. 

5. Allergies suck. 
My eyes itch. My throat itches. I'm sneezing a thousand times. It's brutal. I didn't have them as a kid and came into them during college. I wish them on no one. 


  1. New follower

  2. OMG Your baby is so precious!!!! I just can't wait for mine to get here in December!!! When you find out the invention to keep that paci in the babies mouth PLEASE let me know!!!! HAHAHA Allergies do suck, my son has them! I'm now following you all social media through High Five for Friday!
