Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Pregnancy/Parenting = Scary

For as long as I can remember, I have always longed to be a mother. More specifically a stay at home wife and mother. I'm great at working and I'm really good at my job, but ultimately I want to be the best at running my home and a family. Danielle at Butler Party of 3 wrote an awesome post about this the other day and after reading all the comments posted - it makes my heart happy to know that so many other women feel the same way. 

 As soon as I found out that I was pregnant things got really scary. For first time moms, you have not a clue of what to expect or what is normal. With every feeling and every symptom you are turning to google to see if it's 'normal'. After waiting so long and having prayed so hard for this blessing, the last thing you want is to lose it.  What I've learned is that the unknown is super scary and we shouldn't turn to google but to prayer.  

As the weeks pass by and the first trimester slips away, things get a little less scary. This is when you start thinking about all aspirations and goals you want to have as a mother: solely breast feeding, cloth diapers, homemade baby food - you know all the things the 'supermoms' do. 

The more I think about it, this is a whole different type of scary! There are so many options and these are such big decisions. That's the good and bad thing about parenting - you have so many choices - too many choices. I feel like all my time should be spent researching .. but even then how do you know your child is going to like what you choose? 

Those fears are during pregnancy ... then comes parenting. Teaching and shaping your child so they are successful in life... oh em gee. Then I can't even imagine how scary it'll be when your child starts driving. 

Basically I've come to the conclusion that I will be living the next 20 years of my life in fear. I never thought this would be the top emotion I'd have as a soon to be mother. 
 How do you cope? 

1 comment:

  1. This is when you start thinking about all aspirations and goals you want to have as a mother: solely breast feeding, cloth diapers, homemade baby food. If you have baby so you should keep extra diaper and bag for the journey.

    Diaper Bags
