Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What I Wore: Sparkles & a Scarf

Tis the season for scarves! 
I have been having a slight obsession with them, particularly cowls and infinity scarves. 

Look what has me drooling: 

all via pinterest

As much as I love cowls and infinity scarves, I only own one. Scratch that - two and that's only because I did a quick stitch with the sewing machine and turned a regular scarf into an infinity one. 

Because I have so many regular scarves hanging in the closet I needed to find a few new, cute ways to wear them. Of course, I immediately went to Pinterest to get ideas and I came away with a winner. 


My Version:

Scarf // gifted
Sweater // Vanity (old)

I now know how to successfully tie a scarf two different ways! 

Linking up with the pleated poppy.

 photo heartturquoise_zps509801ac.png


  1. I love the way you wore the scarf in the last picture! I haven't seen that before and I'm definitely going to give it a try :)


  2. I love the look of scarfs and the one you picked out looks really pretty but sadly scarfs never look good on me... Lol, it's maybe because I'm so petite!

    -B ♡ MsBerryStylish 

  3. Love the sparkly top and scarf. Fun combo!

