Sunday, August 18, 2013

Weekly Inspiration [8]: She Reads Truth Daily Devotional

I was just introduced through Instagram to the wonderful devotional: 

It is a community of women that strive to have a better relationship with the Lord through a daily devotion. What I like most is it's not just a daily devotional but a place where women can interact with one another. There is a place for comments and questions so you can converse with other ladies about what you had read that day. 

They are currently working on Women in the Bible- Part 3, but because I just started, I went back to the beginning for Women in the Bible- Part 1 and I am just now finishing it up. 

So far we have discussed Eve, Sarah (Sarai), Hagar, Lot's Wife, and Rebekah. 

All these ladies have their own struggles, that most any woman can find similarities with. Well I know I can. I fight the same battles as they did, and reading their struggles has really made me more aware of what I need to work on to be a better Christian woman. 

Just some note taking from the talk on Sarah:

On Lot's Wife:

I myself am a lot like Sarah: I have a major struggle with patience. 
I myself have similarities to Lot's Wife: I sometime look back thinking 'what if'.

Do you have any of these same struggles? 
What woman in the bible are you most like?

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