Monday, August 5, 2013

Alphabet Weekend Worriers

 I am excited to share that I am part of the Alphabet Weekend Warriors. 
We are each assigned a letter of the alphabet where we are to plan a weekend day/night revolving around the letter. 

My Letter:

I have already started planning this day and I can't wait to reveal it to you all.
Tune in August 13th for the big reveal, and feel free to check out But first, coffee to see all the other alphabet weekend warriors. 
{they begin Sunday Aug. 11} 

We still have spots available for Alphabet Weekend Warriors! e-mail Kallie @ butfirstcoffeeblog@gmail for your chance to join in on the fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hiii,
    I'm also going to be a part of the Alphabet Weekend Warriors ^^ I'm 'R'! Can't wait to see how things go!
