Sunday, July 28, 2013

Weekly Inspiration [7]: To Love & To Cherish

What is love?

Love is patience. 
Love is kindness 
{try and be as polite to your spouse as you are to other people}
Love is selfless & sacrificial.
{it does not brag and is not arrogant}
Love is having good manners.
{let them know they are appreciated}
Love is being a servant with our hearts and our hands. 
{it says I love you with your actions}
Love is having a short memory.
{not easily angered, and remembering that forgiveness is a decision}
Love is being truthful, always. 
{it's easy to do what's not right. true love strives to do what's right according to God, even when it's hard. }
Love is ALL IN. 
{there is no plan B}

What is not love?
Love is not words alone.
{our actions must match our words}
Love is not knowledge. 
{love is practiced}
Love is not actions alone. 
Love is not jealous.
{trust and communication is needed to be successful in love}

Do you love your spouse? 
Does your actions match your words?
Are you being truthful and doing the right thing even if it's hard?
Are you as polite, kind, and good mannered towards your spouse?
Are you all in? 

When you spend every day and every night with your spouse, why would you not try and have the best relationship possible? My hope is that you read this scripture and realize you only live one life, you only have one time to get it right, so we need to make the most of it. 
Be happy and love hard. 

Check out last week's post on God's design for marriage.

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