Friday, May 24, 2013

Summer Break Envy

So today I was having a really bad case of the blues.
It was CT's first day on summer break and no work. It was also my first day as an assistant director having to close the spa. 

Those two things together made me a sassy little lady today. 

Luckily, I got to sleep in with CT today and we both got to take Bentley to his vet apoointment. What I didn't get to do was go to Salina with him to watch some baseball.

Needless to say, I'm envious! 

I should have became a teacher. 

A FACS teacher! Cooking, crafting, sewing.. the life!
 Plus paid summers off. 
What was I thinking? 


  1. it's never too late to become a teacher! ;)

    1. I wish! I can't afford any more awful student loans.
