Happy teachers appreciation week and nurses appreciation week!
These are two career fields that I am extremely familiar with. My mom is a nurse and my husband and dad are both teachers and it truly takes a special kind of person to do what they do. Major props to them because they both are careers that I could never do.
Tuesday, I got to hang out with my nephew all afternoon! We went and watched the husband coach baseball, had dinner, and then came home and did a lot of coloring, counting, and letter writing.
He is almost 3 and is at such a fun age! He showed up with car tattoos all over his body and I asked if his mom got mad that he put them on. He said "No, but she cried." Haha! It was such a fun day and made me even more excited to have my own someday.
I have been hit with the crafting bug lately. Many of my projects are needing a little extra love to perfect them, but yesterday I finally learned how to make the fabric flower! I have so much left over fabric from when my grandma closed her quilting shop that I need to find projects for. When I saw those fabric flowers pop up on my friends Pinterest page I knew it was the perfect solution and they looked pretty easy to do.
This was my first attempt and I'm pretty impressed with how it turned out! This was a lot easier to do then I had ever thought it would be. These flowers will probably in every project I do for awhile because they are so pretty and so easy to do.
Happy graduation weekend to many people out there! We have 2 graduation parties and a birthday party to go to this weekend. I can't wait to catch up with a lot of people and my family. May is a crazy busy month, but also the best month!
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